Fallecimiento de nuestro querido colega Javier Maldonado-Ocampo en las aguas del río Vaupés.
Con su pérdida, se ha ido un biólogo apasionado y un excelente profesional de la Ictiología Neotropical. Pero más que todo Javier era un querido amigo para todos los miembros del programa Amazonfish. Para todos fue un honor conocerlo y será un honor seguir adelante con lo que ha iniciado dentro del proyecto.
Vamos a extrañarte muchissimo Javier!
This team uses the river basin grain as a natural experiment framework to analyze the relative role of local, regional and continental features in determining freshwater community structure. Community richness, composition and dynamics are approached using several research axes: large scale biodiversity gradients, community saturation, community convergence, density compensation and temporal dynamics. In a more applied context the team uses this framework to answer questions that are currently being asked by society including the spread of alien invasive species, and the effects of global climate changes and natural habitats fragmentation on the maintenance of aquatic biodiversity. Thanks to a strong collaboration with Bolivian Universities the team has focused since more than three years part of its research on the Amazonian Basin, initiating strong collaborations with Institutions of all countries covering the Basin (i.e. Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Brazil).
Thierry Oberdorff
Senior Scientist at the “Institut de Recherche pour le Développement” (IRD) EDB Unit (Laboratory Evolution and Biological Diversity), AQUAECO team « Aquatic ecology and global changes »
Address: Laboratoire Evolution & Diversité Biologique, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, Bâtiment 4R1 118, route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse cedex 9 France
Email: thierry.oberdorff@ird.fr
Céline Jézéquel
“Institut de Recherche pour le Développement” (IRD) EDB Unit (Laboratory Evolution and Biological Diversity), AQUAECO team « Aquatic ecology and global changes »
Email: celine.jezequel@ird.fr
Pablo Tedesco
“Institut de Recherche pour le Développement” (IRD) EDB Unit (Laboratory Evolution and Biological Diversity), AQUAECO team « Aquatic ecology and global changes »
Email: pablo.tedesco@ird.fr
This team is interested in integrating ecological and evolutionary approaches to answer questions related with (1) the factors that determine the patterns of species distribution, (2) the biogeography of groups of species and the areas they inhabit, (3) the limits between species and the role of ecological differentiation and geographic isolation in the process of speciation, and (4) the importance of ecological processes that take place at present to explain biogeographic patterns. Getting information and data can help to answer questions as: How might conservation of biodiversity be put to work for addressing challenges of food security, poverty, and overall wellbeing of human populations in the Amazon in the midst of rapid landscape transformation?
Javier A. Maldonado Campo
Address: Biology Department, School of Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
Email: maldonadoj@javeriana.edu.co
Web: sites.google.com/site/javieramalonadoocampo
The Department of Ichtyology of the Museum of Natural History in Lima is mainly focused on generating knowledge concerning fishes inhabiting peruvian freshwater ecosystems. The department works in collaboration with several foreign and national Institutions on topics such as systematic, ecology, fisheries and conservation of species of economical importance, e.g. The American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA), The Louisiana University (Lafayette, USA), The Field Museum of Chicago (USA), the WWF and the Asociación para la Conservación de la cuenca Amazónica ACCA (Madre de Dios, Perú).
Hernán Ortega
Senior researcher at the Departamento de Ictiología, Museo de Historia Natural, UNMSM (MUSM) Curator of the Fish Collection at MHN – UNMSM Lima, Perú.
Address: MHN Av. Arenales 1256, Lima, PERÚ.
Email: hortega@gmail.com
Max Hildalgo
Departamento de Ictiología, Museo de Historia Natural MSMUN
Email: mhidalgod@unmsm.edu.pe
This team will mostly be involved in the practical and technical support in terms of data quality control, exchange and publication. Within the framework of the BioFresh project, RBINS gained a rich experience in data mobilization and integration in the freshwater community and was responsible for the development for an online data portal for making biodiversity data freely and openly available. Being one of the host institutes of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform (BBPF), RBINS has strong links to the Belgian GBIF. In collaboration with them, RBINS coordinates the Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment project and continues these activities in the framework of the AquaRES project sponsored by the Belgian Science Policy office. As a partner in the EU BON project, RBINS contributes to the development of the information architecture and standards, the mobilization and the open and online publication of biodiversity data.
Koen Martens
Senior researcher at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Freshwater Biology (Brussels, Belgium).
Head of Freshwater Biology at RBINS.
Address: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussel
Email: Koen.Martens@naturalsciences.be
Aaike De Wever
Scientific data and project manager at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Freshwater Biology (Brussels, Belgium).
Address: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussel
Email: aaike.dewever@naturalsciences.be
Jansen Zuanon
Coordenação de Biodiversidade, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia – INPA, Manaus, AM, Brasil.
Email: jzuanon3@gmail.com
Gislene Torrente-Vilara
Departamento de Ciências do Mar da Universidade Federal de São Paulo/
Departamento de Biologia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas
Email: gtvilara@gmail.com
Leandro M. Souza, Federal University of Pará
Tommaso Guiarrizzo, Federal University of Pará
Jonathan Valdiviezo
Email: jonathan.valdiviezo@biodiversidad.gob.ec
Jaime Sarmiento
Colección boliviana de fauna, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural/
Departamento de ictiología, La Paz, Bolivia
Email: jsarmientotavel@gmail.com
Mabel Maldonado
Unidad de Limnología y Recursos Acuáticos (ULRA), Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS), Calle Sucre y Parque La Torre s/n, CP 2352, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Email: mabelmaldonado.m@fcyt.umss.edu.bo
Takayuki Yunoki
CIRA, Universidad Autónoma del Beni “José Balllivián”, Trinidad, Bolivia
Email: takayukiyunoki@yahoo.com
Carlos Donascimiento
Email: cdonascimiento@humboldt.org.co
Edwin Agudelo
Email: eagudelo@sinchi.org.co
José Iván Mojica
Email: jimojicac@unal.edu.co
Raúl Ríos Herrera
Email: raulriosh@gmail.com
Francisco Villa
Email: favilla@ut.edu.co
Saúl Prada Pedreros
Email: saul.prada@javeriana.edu.co